
I was determined to stick to my target this week and the work week hustle on Fitbit certainly kept me motivated.  The highlight of the week was achieving a 12-mile walk with relative ease, including some steep hills.  We also had the opportunity to ask Jane lots more questions about the Camino and we heard some funny stories.  I was a real wuss going through the mud as the thought of having wet feet freaked me out!  I also managed a couple of hot spot blisters (Jane was explaining about threading your blisters with needles, so I thought I would treat them before they got that bad! yuck!).

Week 6 – My goal for this week was to accomplish a min of 94k steps and 42 miles.

Monday 11th April – 10,082 steps 4.14 miles

I am on a mission this week to make sure that I complete my goal of 95k steps.  It is going to be tough as I have two days planned where I will be sitting in a car for hours, but we all like a challenge!  Today was a mix of morning walks with the very loud birds, and networking.  I am amazed how many steps you do when you are presenting at a networking group.  (I also parked miles away from the venue for extra steps)


Tuesday 12th April – 12,012 (5.07 miles)

dedicationI am on a mission this week to make sure that I stick to my step goal.  We have set a workweek hustle on FitBit and it is getting quite competitive (in a good way!).  I secured my 12k steps today by going out on a morning walk, and then Nordic Walking in the evening sunshine.  The mud was a bit challenging, but we like our challenges!

We had quite a few people in the group tonight and the pace was set by Alison and Di, who may as well have been running!  We walked exactly 3 miles, across muddy fields and old railway tracks.  We also got chased by a little lamb, which was really cute.

Wednesday 13th April – 10,485 (4.38 miles)

Today was a challenge!  I left the house at 5.30am and drove to West Sussex via the M25.  When I got to the hotel I parked as far away from the reception as possible so that I could at least get some steps in the bank for today.  My presentation lasted about an hour, and as I am quite animated when I present I tend to get a lots of steps in, but only a few thousand.  Another 3 hours in the car on the way home and then I took the dog out for a quick walk until I got to 10k steps.  I subsequently crashed into my bed!

Thursday 14th April – 11,474 (4.65 miles)

I am well chuffed that I have managed to keep up with 10k+ steps a day so far this week.  I am feeling ok as well, which is a good sign.  I think I really needed that break last week!

I took the dog out (even I am getting bored by writing that every day!) – saying that she was not keen on going out (see video!).  Another evening walk and steps generated from client visits resulted in just over 4.5 miles.  Happy Days!

Friday 15th April – 10003 steps (4.08 miles)

Today has been a work from home day. The weather has been pants so I’ve been doing living room / kitchen laps every hour! 10 laps then back to work (the neighbours must think I’m crazy). Followed by shopping and IKEA = 10k steps! 

Saturday 16th April – 12,457 steps (5.1 miles)

camThe morning was raining hard, so I ended up not going on a Nordic Walk that had been preplanned.  It was actually a stroke of luck as a notification popped up at 9.30am to say “hair appointment for Rachel & Julia in 30 mins” – eek!  I got Rachel out of bed and rushed to the hairdressers.  

We ended up going for a 4-mile walk across fields with full packs later that evening.  Lesson learned for today: 

Lesson learned for today:  Taking your Nordic Poles when you also have a dog is difficult!  Especially when you have to keep the dog on the lead because of sheet. 

Sunday 17th April – 30,816 steps! (record!) – 12.48 miles

OMG! – I am so happy with today’s results.

Rachel and I met with Jane Walker in Yelvertoft for a 12-mile hike. This was our longest walk so far and it included a few very steep hills.  Jane explained that the hills we climbed today were probably more challenging that what we would encompass on the Camino Frances route, so that made my day.  I must admit that I was glas to say the hills were at the beginning of the walk and not the end!  I had my new GoPro on my backpack, and I recorded various areas of the walk. 

You can view all the images from today’s walk here. 

rachel sitting Cam Mino


And here is the video that I took (warning – I still need to practice with my GoPro!). 

Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 20.17.33




Progress chart to date:

  • Week 6 – 97,329 / 39.90 miles
  • Week 7  – 60,152 / 24.43 miles – failed!
  • Week 8 – 97,714 / 41.26 miles
  • Week 9 – 93,592 / 39.43 miles
  • Week 10 – 92,058 / 38.36 miles
  • Week 11 – 91,613 steps / 37.34 miles
  • Week 12 – 93,396 steps / 40.18 miles

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