We are now on week 11 and our progress is going well with the training. All three of us are ahead of the game and to date, we have accomplished a 10-mile hike in 4 hours. Our plans for this week are very similar to last week, with a 10k step goal each day, but we are now increasing the weekend walks to a min of 6 miles.
Week 11 – Goal is 10k steps a day, and two x 6-mile hikes at the weekend
Monday 7th March – 8587 steps (3.47 miles)
I feel awful. Full of flu and struggled to get out of bed, let alone walk 10k steps today. I took it easy, and managed to walk Rachel to school so that the dog got some exercise. Luckily, I have a stand-up desk at work, therefore, with a bit of effort, I can get some steps in whilst working, but it was certainly a real chore today. Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow.
Tuesday 8th March – 13,565 steps (5.75 miles)
Yey! I have my mojo back and I am feeling so much better. I took the dog out for a long walk this morning and I took this amazing photo (top right). I love the way the sun lights up the tree’s as if they were on fire! I took many phone calls today, which means more steps, and then Rachel and I went for a walk this evening to make sure that we both achieved our 10k step goal. Happy days.
Wednesday 9th March – 7133 steps (3.03 miles)
The bad weather has hit Northamptonshire. We woke up to flood warnings throughout the UK, and our small town of Towcester was no different. The dog just looked at me at 6.30am as if to say “You have got to be kidding me!”. Poppy the dog was absolutely right and there was no point in going out in this weather. Luckily for me, I managed over 7k steps, but this was simply an accumulation steps from standing up and presenting two workshops.
The photo below is the park where I usually take the dog – you can see that I am not exaggerating! (photo thanks to Towcester Community Group).
Thursday 10th March – 7773 steps (3.14 miles)
Another not so good day with the weather, so again I didn’t walk the dog first thing. I travelled to London and spent the day with my mum. We walked around Covent Garden, did the underground scene and watched the production of War Horse – which made up my 7k + steps. Sometimes, it is just nice to have a day off. If you have never been to see War Horse then I would highly recommend it.
Friday 11th March – 10,748 steps (4.42 miles)
Today I was presenting at the Ricoh Area in Coventry. I was actually about an hour early, so I managed to walk two miles and collect a geocache on-route. On top of walking around the exhibition and then presenting I managed to clock up a few more steps.
We have big plans for this weekend, so this will hopefully get our walking back on track.
Good news…. I had a email from a friend who is also walking the Camino later in the year. Her walking companion has broken a bone in her leg, therefore she was hoping to join us on some training weekends. I am quite excited about this as it is her 3rd Camino so she can tell us all sorts of stories whilst she trains with us. I am really looking forward to Jane joining us on our walks.
Saturday 12th March – 18,051 steps (7.31 miles)
We arrived at Draycote Water with our full packs on, ready to walk around this amazing reservoir. We had company with Charlene and Rachel’s best friend Kyra. We managed to walk the 4.8 miles within 1.5hrs and then it was time for a quick cup of tea before we met up with another friend (Alison), who was giving Rachel and I a coaching session on walking with Nordic Poles. Rachel was a natural and we were soon walking up and down hills with our poles, learning how to change gear and squeeze our lemons!! The training rewarded us both with another 5k steps – happy days!
Sunday 13th March – 25,306 steps, (10.22 miles)
Today we were joined by Jane Walker, who has already walked some of the Camino. She is walking the last stretch to Santiago at the end of April this year, and unfortunately her friend that she is travelling with has broken her leg. Jane needed someone to train with so we were really excited to have her walk with us on our training days. Jane and I met at Brixworth Country Park in Northamptonshire and walked the 7 miles circuit around Pitsford Reservoir. We also discovered that you can walk an additional 7 miles if you pay £5 for a permit and walk the nature reserve area – we are saving that one for another day.
When we arrived at the park the weather was extremely foggy. You could not see the far into the distance but it soon cleared up and the views were as amazing as ever. I took the opportunity to “brain burgle” Jane with as much information as I could about the Camino and I learned absolutely loads!
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